Spring Break Zoom Camp Gets Kids Moving and Thinking
Forty-two children registered for our second annual Spring Break Zoom Camp, and received home-delivered bags of healthy groceries, toys and art supplies partially sponsored by local philanthropy-minded soccer team, the Springfield Spartans.
Camp kicked off on Wednesday with Hugo Lentz of the Travis Manion Foundation, who guided the children through an inspiring discussion of hope, perseverance and teamwork.
Then, Coach Titus ran a remote soccer session and a reminder of the importance of hydration and nutrition.
Finally, Mandie Curtis Banks of Swarthmore College’s Scott Arboretum taught about spring growth and pollinators through compelling stories, an engaging slideshow and a colorful art project. She also led us in the bee anatomy version of “Head Shoulders Knees and Toes”; the children buzzed around singing a increasingly speedy “Head, Thorax, Abdomen!”
During our second day of camp, we added to the line-up Sifu Fred Grant, who gave the children a kung fu lesson. Afterward, he commented, “Everyone was excited and doing their best to follow along, even the youngest ones. They did really well with what I was showing them to do, and it made me happy to see how hard they were trying. I'm hoping that even a 30 minute introduction to kung fu inspires them to pick up more martial arts because it can be a healthy, lifelong hobby. The structure of martial arts can help build discipline for school, college and work.”
Youth Development United has teamed up with Sifu Fred’s school, Grant’s Kung Fu Academy, to offer scholarships for interested students. Anyone interested in learning more can reach out to jeannine@chesteruplandyouthsoccer.org.
Later in the week, Olivia and Julia’s mom wrote,” I just wanted to say thank you for the camp experience. My girls enjoyed it. Please let me know if you have more camp days in the future.”
We certainly plan to! To help support these and other efforts, please visit https://www.youthdevunited.org/donate