Archaeology and History Careers Intrigue Families During YDU Field Trip
Special thanks to Snownia Collins, Stacy Yates and Kathryn Kelly-Redd for documenting the day with such wonderful photos!
On Saturday, Youth Development United encouraged youth and families to consider careers in archaeology and history during a field trip to the Newlin Grist Mill in Glen Mills, PA.
The mill was built in 1704 and served its community as a source for grinding grains and strengthening the economy by exporting products to international markets around the world.
YDU, with generous support from Boeing, brought a busload of children and adults to explore the historic site and to learn about careers in history and archaeology from experts in those fields.
A Chester mom who brought her daughter and a friend reported, “Today was amazing and extremely informative. The best part was the archaeology dig. We found so many artifacts and learned a lot from our guide Stephanie and lead archeologist Keith. We learned about the water mill that is being built. Camille now wants to be a tour guide and a historian. She loved asking questions and providing answers on history.”
Ms. Kathryn Kelly-Redd, who graciously served as a chaperone for the children who joined from YDU partner organization Chester Eastside, noted, “The clouds didn't dampen the children's spirits. They learned about how flour was made in the 18th century. We visited the original mill house and unearthed artifacts with an archaeologist. Thank you for sharing this trip with us.”
Laura Adie, Programs & Administration Manager for Newlin Grist Mill, commented, “Our staff and volunteers enjoyed seeing the process of discovery among the children (and adults!) in the group as they explored.”
YDU’s next career discovery event will focus on library science, in a much appreciated partnership with the staff at the J. Lewis Crozer Library.
Youth Development United is also grateful to Sun East Foundation, who helps to cover expenses related to YDU career discovery programming.
To recommend or host a career discovery event, please contact