December Meeting Highlights:

Jamar Daniels started us off with inspirational words about an ounce of prevention being worth a pound of cure.

Angie Johnson of the Boys & Girls Club encouraged the group to help educate and strengthen the community by joining the Drug-Free Alliance. They produce PSAs and videos on a YouTube channel, and facilitate conversations and workshops. Please contact her at for more information.

Max Levitt of Leveling the Playing Field welcomes all to contact his organization to get free donated sports equipment. He is looking for a small warehouse space in greater Philly and is open to all suggestions.

Cory Long introduced a few local coaches, explaining that they touch many lives, provide social services and serve as father figures, often covering expenses out of their own pockets and through fundraising on the street, which isn’t possible during COVID. Coaches often have to focus on fundraising rather than coaching and mentorship, even when preparing for a championship. He encouraged all to consider what support we can give: administrative, tech support, board member suggestions, fundraising aid, fiscal sponsorship as many local sports organizations are not 501(c)(3)s, etc.

Fareed “Skip” Burton of the Upland Hurricanes explained that he opened his club to serve the east side/Toby Farms community who had transportation challenges getting to football clubs in the other parts of town. The Hurricanes are seeking administrative help securing their 501(c)(3), donations, helmets, uniforms and other support.

Charles Thompson of the Chester Panthers serves nearly 230 players and over 75 cheerleaders, and is dedicated to developing them through mentorship, drug-free living and PTSD support for those grieving losses and hardships. He hopes to help coordinate more counseling for families in need. Many of his coaches buy discount cleats and other equipment whenever they see them to give out and keep kids involved. The Panthers just built a concession stand and are looking for donations of freezers, refrigerators, fryers, griddles, etc.

Shake Allen of the Chester Cheetahs track club proudly announced that their nationally ranked program has brought home all sorts of medals but loses kids to the streets for financial reasons, when there aren’t funds to continue from the indoor winter season to the outdoor spring season.

Alexia Clarke at Chester Community Coalition <> and Jamar Daniels of Amachi < > offered their organizations’ services for grief counseling and mentorship for those affected by gun violence and parent incarceration, respectively. Kahlil Shepherd also can help meet emotional needs of those who are struggling.

Jamar reminded us that mentorship isn’t a business model; it is “heartwork.”

Ayo George and Oliver Steinglass of Design FC, a mentorship program that combines art and sport so that kids can express themselves creatively, introduced a new Chester Mentoring Initiative logo designed by the kids in their advanced program.

Jamar asked the group to share “superpowers” and needs so that we can lean on each other for success. Here are some that were offered up:

Amachi has 80 mentors completing their training and preparing to help the community.

Clay of Amachi and Boys & Girls Club is very tech savvy and happy to share his skills.

Duane Buchanan of the newly chartered Delco Iotas said the fraternity has members in a variety of professional fields who would love to help serve.

Malcolm Yates of Congresswoman Mary Gay Scanlon’s office invites all HS sophmores and junors to learn about the congressional youth cabinet, which meets quarterly to discuss issues of importance to the youth. He also offered that the Chester alumni chapter of his fraternity, Phi Beta Sigma, will help when called upon.

Jeannine Anckaitis of Chester Upland Youth Soccer offered writing skills for anyone looking to tell their story to prospective donors, the community, etc and welcomes all mentoring groups to let her know about programming and fundraising opportunities so that she can help spread the word.

We will meet again in January. Happy and safe holidays to all!

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